Day 39: Lenten Recipe and Reflection

Each day during Lent, Ave Maria Press will be posting soup recipes and Lenten reflections from our Lenten prayer books here on the Ave Maria Press website. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more inspiration.

Lenten Reflection

From John Paul II's Biblical Way of the Cross:

Jesus, your suffering continues as nails are driven into your hands and feet and taunting jeers are hurled at your body imprisoned on the cross. Yet to those who mock and challenge you, you offer no reproach, only forgiveness and compassion for them in their ignorance. O Jesus, how often we have acted as if the way of the cross were unnecessary and too difficult. We believe we know a better way, a way worn down by the crowd. We find that path goes nowhere. Forgive us; we do not know what we are doing. We love you, Jesus; by your wounds heal us.

Artichoke Soup

6 large artichokes
1 tablespoon salt
2 cups water
3 lemons, juiced
4–5 green onions, chopped
12 baby onions
12 small potatoes, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon chopped dill

Feta cheese
fresh bread

Prepare the Artichokes
Clean the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves. Wipe the exposed surface with lemon to prevent browning. Use a paring knife or spoon to dig out the fuzzy choke. Once the choke has been removed, rub the heart with lemon. Place the cleaned artichoke hearts in a large bowl and cover with water, salt, and lemon juice.

Prepare the Soup
Dissolve flour in a cup of cold water. In a large pot, combine the flour-water mixture with the remaining ingredients.

Add the bowl of artichokes, lemon, water, and salt. Add more water to cover the ingredients.

Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat, and cook on low for about 1 1/2 hours.

Add more lemon, salt, and pepper to taste.

Serve with Feta cheese and fresh bread.

Submitted by Cyndi Chanou.

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