Rights & Permissions


We ask that you submit all permissions and rights requests via email or regular mail. Due to the volume of such requests, we cannot take phone calls concerning permissions and rights. If you wish to request a publicity review copy of a book, please use the following form: Publicity Review Copy Form

Can I duplicate materials from Ave Maria Press books for educational purposes or liturgical use?

We receive numerous requests from churches, schools, religious communities, small groups, and individuals to duplicate materials from books for educational purposes as well as for liturgical use. Often these requests are made because purchasing the entire book is not practical and/or appropriate.

If the material is to be included in another book to be published and sold, please see our Domestic and Foreign Rights section below.

If you are using a poem or prayer text, or if the amount of text is greater than 250 words, please use this form to contact us for permission: Permissions for Copies Form.

If you are duplicating material for private and limited circulation, and not for sale, and if the amount of prose text you wish to use is less than 250 words, you may do so without written permission. The following acknowledgment should appear somewhere on the reproduced material. The information you need is found on the copyright page of the book.

Excerpted from (book title) by (author). Copyright (date) by Ave Maria Press, P.O. Box 428, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Used with permission of the publisher.

We wish to accommodate duplication requests and are using the minimal fee established by the Copyright Clearance Center. We believe that religious book publishing is a ministry, but we must also face the realities of providing a fair royalty to the authors who have created these materials, as well as recovering our sizable investment and meeting the ongoing costs of doing business.

Please fill out this form or contact us via email or through US Mail at:

Permissions Department
Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 428
Notre Dame, IN 46556

You must provide a valid email address so we may contact you. We will not respond to your request by letter.

Can I reproduce portions of an Ave Maria Press book for publication?

Domestic Rights

If you wish to reproduce portions of an Ave Maria Press book for publication, please complete this form: Permission for Domestic Rights Form

Here is the information you will need: 

Concerning the Ave Maria Press book:

Page numbers of text to be used

Concerning the book you wish to publish:

Length of the book
Number of copies to be printed
Projected retail selling price
Rights requested

Please fill out this form or contact us via email or through US Mail at:
Permissions Department
Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 428
Notre Dame, IN 46556

You must provide a valid email address so we may contact you. We will not respond to your request by letter.

Foreign Rights

If you wish to publish an edition of an Ave Maria Press book in English or another language, please contact us indicating what rights you seek and any other details of your publishing plan.

Please contact us via email or through US Mail at:
Foreign Rights
Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 428
Notre Dame, IN 46556

You must provide a valid email address so we may contact you. We will not respond to your request by letter.