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The Seeker's Catechism
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Catholic Essentials (Teacher's Manual)
Michael Amodei
Tough Choices
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Day by Day
Encountering Jesus in the New Testament (Teacher's Manual)
A Teen's Game Plan for Life
Lou Holtz
This Is Our Church: A History of Catholicism (Student Text)
This Is Our Church: A History of Catholicism (Teacher's Manual)
Sex and the Teenager (Leader's Guide)
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.
Exploring the Religions of Our World (Student Text)
Nancy Clemmons, S.N.J.M.
Catholic Essentials (Student Text)
Win It All
Justin Fatica
The Catholic Spirit
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The Ten Commandments (Student Text)
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John Bergsma
Holy Goals for Body and Soul
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, Joe Paprocki
31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator
Jared Dees
Religious Liberty and Catholicism in the United States
Janet Wigoff
Migration and the Church
Alliance for Catholic Education
Holy Cross and Christian Education
James B. King, CSC
Loved as I Am
Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT
St. John Paul II [PDF License]
Catholic Puzzles, Word Games, and Brainteasers: Volume 1
Matt Swaim
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