Day 8: Lenten Recipe and Reflection

Each day during Lent, Ave Maria Press will be posting soup recipes and Lenten reflections from our Lenten prayer books here on the Ave Maria Press website. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more inspiration.

Lenten Reflection Day 8

From Lenten Healing:

It may be an extension cord, headphone cable, or string of Christmas lights. We put it away neatly, and pull it out to find a hopelessly knotted mess. This image helps describe the inner workings of narcissism. In this type of pride, our uniqueness to our heavenly father becomes tangled up with the littleness of our humanity before him. We confuse our God-given specialness with an illusion of greatness. We are so confident of our own specialness that we think others cannot relate to us.

Lenten Soup: Artichoke Soup

(Translated from a popular Greek recipe Anginares a la polita)

6 large artichokes
1 tablespoon salt
juice from 3 lemons
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup cold water
4–5 green onions, chopped
12 baby carrots
2 carrots, sliced
12 small potatoes
1/2 cup olive oil
chopped dill

Feta cheese
fresh bread

Clean the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves and cutting the rest down to about one inch. In a bowl, cover artichokes with water, salt, and lemon juice.

Dissolve the flour in a cup of cold water and combine it with the rest of the ingredients (including the lemon-salt water in which the artichokes were waiting). Add more water to cover ingredients.

Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer on low for about 90 minutes.

Serve with Feta cheese and fresh bread.

Submitted by Cyndi Chanou (St. Helen’s School).

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