Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen to be Beatified

The Vatican has announced that Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979), a prominent evangelist of the mid-twentieth century who hosted a highly rated program, Life is Worth Living, on the new medium of television in the 1950s, will be beatified.

The diocese of Peoria, Illinois, reported that Sheen interceded after a baby born in 2010 and showed no signs of life. For 61 minutes the family and friends of the infant prayed to Sheen to intercede. After the baby was transferred to a Peoria hospital near the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception where Sheen was ordained in 1919 the baby showed signs of life.The baby's heart began beating and the child breathed. Today, the young child remains healthy. Msgr. Jasno Gray of Peoria who investigated the miracle explains it in an interview on EWTN.

No date for the beatification was immediately announced. One additional miracle must be credited to Archbishop Sheen before he can be canonize a saint.

Assign the following questions:

  1. What was the controversy concerning Archbishop Sheen's relics?
  2. What is the connection between Jack Benny and Lucille Ball with Archbishop Sheen?
  3. What did Sheen use as a prop on Life Is Worth Living?

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