Bl. Carlo Acutis and Eucharistic Miracles

Follow these directions for a short lesson and activity on Blesed Carlo Acutis, a Catholic teenager with a great deication to the Eucharist who is expected to be canonized in the near future. 

  1. Explain a little bit about Bl. Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who died of leukemia in 2006. Although his parents were only nominally Catholic, Carlo had a supernatural love for the Eucharist. His love inspired him to use his talents with computers to create a website that catalogs every Eucharistic miracle in history.
  2. Divide students into small groups and have them open Bl. Carlo Acutis’ website on Eucharistic miracles.
  3. Ask the students to explore the website and select a Eucharistic miracle that they find particularly interesting.
  4. Regather and ask each group to share their chosen miracle with the class.

This activity was created by Larisa Tuttle, a senior at the University of Dallas. 

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