As a welcome back to class exercise after Christmas vacation, ask the students to create a list of ten Catholic New Years’ Resolutions. Also have them write brief responses to the following:
- Which resolution do you think will be most important for you to keep? Explain why.
- Which resolution do you think will be most difficult to keep? Explain why.
Sample Resolutions
- Attend Eucharistic Adoration at least once per month.
- Keep the car radio off until I pray for fifteen minutes.
- Hang out with a classmate I have never socialized with before.
- Go to daily Mass at least once per week.
- Get more involved at my parish.
- Join in a service project with teens from a non-Catholic congregation.
- Read a biography of a saint.
- Go on a retreat without it being required.
- Read a biography of a saint.
- Hang out with a family member on a regular basis.