A Collection of Prayers, Exercises, and Others Lessons for Lent

Author and Catholic high school theology teacher Justin McClain has a new book coming out in the fall: Called to Prayer: Daily Prayers for Catholic Schools. It includes over 200 prayers to pray in a classroom. Here is a sample of one of the prayers, appropriate for use during Lent.

Prayer to Remain Steadfast During Lent

Lord, Lent is a challenging time, and we will not pretend that it is not. However, you did not expect anything of us that you were unwilling to subject yourself to. Your own time of trial in the desert set the standard for how to resist temptation and remain steadfast as we form our hearts to God’s will. Help us to grow steadily closer to you as we embrace the virtues of faith, hope, and love during Lent. Encourage us along as we walk with you, reminding us that Lent is far from a time to simply “give something up;” rather, to take on little sacrifices, which compare in no way to the supreme sacrifice that you offered by giving your life on the Cross in atonement for our sins. Strengthen us to persevere in holiness, virtue, and sanctity, seeking to do your will not only during Lent, but likewise throughout the year, as we look forward to celebrating your joyous Resurrection at Easter. We ask this in your redemptive name. Amen.

This site has several has several other prayers, guided meditations, activities, discussions, and others lessons for Lent. You can discover them here.

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