The USCCB’s Renewing the Vision : A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry document addresses the essential nature of justice and a service component that should accompany any programming for teens, including teens enrolled in a Catholic high school. It offers distinctive feature that give direction to this component. Justice and service is meant to:
- engage the teens in the scope of Catholic social teaching, beginning with the teachings of Jesus;
- involve the teens in direct service to those in need;
- promote Gospel-based lifestyles and choices among teens;
- help them reflect on direct service experiences and pay special attention to why service is important;
- teach them to work in cooperation with others—peers, the parish, and the community—in promoting justice and service;
- nurture in teens a lifelong commitment to justice and service.
As you consider ways to incorporate service into your curriculum and lesson planning, begin with these reflections:
- Think about the successful opportunities for direct service you have provided for your teens. What are some common elements of these success stories?
- Describe the attitude of your teens toward direct service.
- What do you find difficult in teaching your teens about a Christian’s call to service? Name some ways you can incorporate the Church’s social teaching within your lessons.
- Brainstorm a list of other school, parish, and community agencies with whom your youth group could partner to serve others.
Jesus, wash our souls of all pride and greed as we continue in our desire to serve our brothers and sisters. As the teens begin to formulate a plan for their lives, help them keep in mind the model of service you shared with your disciples. We ask this in your name. Amen.