A Discussion About Textbooks

I had the good fortune of meeting this week with several teachers from high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the beautiful Immaculate Heart Retreat House with Griffith Park on one side and the downtown landscape on the other. Among the discussion points were two questions that centered on the use of textbooks in high school theology courses. Here is a summary of the teacher's answers to one of the questions that was shared that day:

How are textbooks utilized as part of a high school theology course?

As a major element of teaching.
For reading information, review questions, and course outline.
To help with timeline and pacing of the course.
Background help for the educator.
Best used as a guide for navigating thorough the scope of a given course. They provide both the framework and the content of each course.
They are especially helpful for teachers not versed in theology. They keep me honest. They are helpful for students who miss class due to absence or student activities.


Reflection Questions
How do you utilize textbooks with your teaching?

If you could design the perfect high school theology textbook, what elements would it include?

We'd be interested in your responses as we both continue to plan for coming semesters!

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