Distinctive Gospel Passages

Directions: Each of the following events or stories is in only one Gospel. Have the students work either on their own or with a partner to read through the Gospels and identify the Gospel, chapter, and verse for each.

  1. Jesus washes the feet of the Apostles at the Last Supper.
  2. Jesus raises back to life the son of the widow Nain.
  3. The wedding feast at Cana and the changing of water into wine.
  4. The eight Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount.
  5. A young man, who had his linen clothes torn away from in the Garden of Olives, runs away naked.
  6. The parable of the Good Samaritan.
  7. Jesus is laid in a manger at birth.
  8. Jesus makes a charcoal fire on the seashore for the disciples and cooks fish and bread.
  9. Jesus is crucified at nine o'clock in the morning.
  10. Jesus tells Martha that her sister Mary has chosen the better part.
  11. Jesus appears to the Apostles on a mountain in Galilee after he rises from the dead.
  12. A star appears over the place of Jesus' birth.
  13. The parable of the Prodigal or Lost Son.
  14. This Gospel begins at Jesus' baptism when he is thirty years old.
  15. Jesus tells the repentant criminal on the next cross: "Today you will be with me in paradise."
  16. Jesus reads the thoughts of the woman at the well.
  17. Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is pregnant with John the Baptist.
  18. The parable of the two sons, one of whom who worked for his father even though he originally refused.
  19. Jesus looks with love on a rich young man.
  20. Peter is the first to enter Jesus' empty tomb.
  21. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem before he cleanses the Temple.
  22. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph travel to Egypt to escape King Herod's death threat.
  23. The parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom.
  24. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead after he has been lying four days in the tomb.
  25. Zacchaeus, the tax collector, comes down from the sycamore tree and has Jesus stay with him.
  26. Jesus saves the woman caught in adultery by saying, "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
  27. Pontius Pilate orders guards to be placed at Jesus' tomb.
  28. Jesus and the Twelve have their traveling expenses paid by a number of rich women.
  29. Jesus carried his cross all by himself, with no help.
  30. Vernonica wipes the face of Jesus while he is carrying the cross and receives an impression of his face on her veil.
Answers: 1. John 13:4-10; 2. Luke 7:11-17; 3. John 2:1-11; 4. Matthew 5:3-12; 5. Mark 14:51; 6. Luke 10: 29-37; 7. Luke 2:7; 8. John 21: 9; 9. Mark 15:25; 10. Luke 10:38-42; 11. Matthew 28:16; 12. Matthew 2:9; 13. Luke 15:11-32; 14. Mark 1: 9; 15. Luke 23: 43; 16. John 4:4-26; 17. Luke 1:39-45; 18. Matthew 21: 28-32; 19. Mark 10: 21; 20. John 20:1-6; 21. Luke 19:41; 22. Matthew 2:13-15; 23. Matthew 25:1-13; 24. John 11:1-44; 25. Luke 19:1-10; 26. John 8:7; 27. Matthew 27:63-66; 28. Luke 8:2-3; 29. John 19:17; 30. Not in any Gospel—legend. 

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