September 15 is the Feat of Our Lady of Sorrowsl. Blessed Basi Moreau, founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, chose Our Lady of Sorrows as the patron of his religious order.
Moreau’s original vision was that the Congregation of Holy Cross be one community of priests, brothers and sisters living and working together in imitation of the Holy Family. He consecrated the priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the sisters to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the brothers to Saint Joseph, but he placed the entire Congregation under the patronage of Our Lady of Sorrows.
The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows originated in the twelfth century. Its reflection is around the intense sorrow Mary felt at the passion and death of her Son. A prayer reflection around the Feast also revolves around Seven Sorrows Mary experienced in her lifetime.
Spend some time this week in prayerful reflection of Mary's sorrows. This video reflection is a helpful resource.