First Week of School/Learn the Names of Your Students!

Here are three simple ways for you to learn the names of your students and for them to know a little bit more about each other.



Give each person a 3 x 5 card with his or her first names printed in capital letters.

Next, tell the students to arranged everyone’s first names in capital letters in a “circle” around the four corners of the room. The person with the first name should be at “12 o’clock” against the front wall. The person with the last name at 11:59.

When the ordering is done, have the students hold up their cards wo that everyone can read them. Then tell them to go around the room beginning with the person at 12 o’clock and say their names.

Next, have the participants turn their cards around. Call on several people to try to name everyone beginning with the first person and going all the way around the room. When the person misses a name, allow others in the class to give some help.



Give each person a 3 x 5 card with his or her first names printed in capital letters.

Ask them to move around the room and find at least two people with whom they can form a word using the first letters of their name. For example: William, Eva, Nancy form NEW. When everyone is in a word group, have them share their word and names with everyone. Take a second turn through and have them share only the “word.” Call on volunteers to tell their names.



Randomly pass out 3 x 5 cards making sure that no one gets their own name.

Tell the students to find the person who is named on the card and to give them the card. When the students all have their own cards, they should go around the room meeting new people and collecting signatures on their card.

The person with the most signatures wins!


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