God, Faith, Religion on Social Media

Lead a discussion or assign the following items for your students to work on individually or in small groups on the topic of how social media is used and can be used more effectively to evangelize and inspire others around the Gospel message.

Discuss or Write

1. Over the course of a day, about how many Scripture passages are posted on your social media feed?

2. How often do you read the Scripture that is posted?

3. How effective is social media as a forum for evangelization?

4. Copy and paste what you would consider an effective or inspiring social media post on God, faith, or religion? Tell why you find it so.

5. Read and summarize the article “Five Things Fulton Sheen Teaches Us about Social Media.”  (Read about Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen here.)

6. Write a one-paragraph social media post on faith that you believe would be effective or inspiring for your peer group. Also, summarize the post with a 140-character tweet.

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