Graduation Gift from Lou Holtz

If parents, grandparents, or school administrators are looking for a valuable and inspiring gift for graduates in this semester in which celebrations have been curtailed or cancelled, you might share a book written especially for graduates, Three Rules for Living a Good Life: A Game Plan for After Graduation by Hall of Fame football coach Lou Holtz.

Witty and straightforward, Coach Holtz offers new grads these three rules they can use in the coming weeks, months, and years as they move their lives on to the next phase:

  1. Do what is right.
  2. Do everything to the best of your ability.
  3. Show people you care.o what is right.

Three Rules for Living a Good Life is based on a commencement address Coach Holtz shared at Franciscan University in 2017. To date, the YouTube video of the speech has over 1,5 million views.

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