Honoring St. Joseph

March 19 is the Feast Day of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus.

Whereas 2021 was the “Year of Devotion” our honor paid to St. Joseph does not end.  Pope Francis said of St. Joseph (and Mary):

He was the husband. And Mary certainly never said to Joseph: “I am God’s mom, you are God’s employee.” Instead, she said: “You are my husband, I am a virgin (Joseph is too) , but you are my husband.” She was subordinate to her husband, as the culture of her time would have it. She prepared his meals, talked with him, together spoke about the Son, they shared the anguish when the Child, at age twelve, remained behind in Jerusalem, the anguish of a husband and wife, the anguish of parents. Normality in virginity. And she listened to Joseph made the big decisions, which was normal for a time. Joseph received messages from God in his dreams. She is the one full of grace, he is the just man, the man observant of the Word of God. A beautiful couple. (from Ave Maria: The Mystery of a Most Beloved Prayer by Pope Francis).

Share the Pope’s words with your students Use one of these assignments on St. Joseph or create your own:

  • Read the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17. Research the answer to this question: “Why did Jesus ancestry trace to Joseph, his foster father, and not Mary his natural mother?”
  • Read Matthew 1:18-25. Why is this passage called the “Annunciation to Joseph”? How does it compare to the Annunciation to Mary in Luke 1:26-38,
  • Write a prayer to St. Joseph, asking for his intercession in family life.
  • Draw a portrait of the Holy Family.
  • Answer: "When is a time you followed a dream?"

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