The following information and assignment has been adapted from Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic (Ave Maria Press, 2015).
The Office for Formation of the Laity of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia identified several ideas for evangelization in a short summary, “Everyday Evangelizing for Everyday Catholics.” Here are some of the applications:
Before You Can Evangelize (Pre-evangelization)
- Pray daily.
- Carry a cross in your pocket.
- Read the Bible.
- Receive the Sacraments.
- Communicate with those who inspire you.
Evangelizing in All Situations
- Respond “thank God” when someone shares good news with you.
- Share a story of how God works in your life.
- Ask people to pray for your intentions.
- Make the Sign of the Cross when dining out.
- Invite someone who is not Catholic to Mass.
Assign students to develop a further list of ideas for sharing the faith with their peers; either Catholics who need a refresher in their faith or those who have no experience of Catholicism. With these groups specifically in mind, ask them to write up an evangelization plan that focuses on what they can personally do and what their peers can do as well
- this week
- this month
- this year
For each part of the plan, include answers to the four W’s and H question:
- Who is to be evangelized? (Who is to do the evangelization?)
- What is the desired result?
- Where will this take place?
- When (during the week, month, year) will this happen?
- Why is this an important task?
- How will this take place?
For reference, note ideas from the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis.