In celebration of two December Marian feasts (the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe), listed below are seven assignment ideas.
1. Create a visual presentation on how the Blessed Mother has been portrayed in art through the ages. Include at least twenty pictures in your presentation.
2. Research and report on one of the famous apparitions of Mary. Examples include Guadalupe, Lourdes, or Fatima..
3. Write your own Litany to the Blessed Mother. For inspiration, refer to several popular litanies.
- Litany of Loreto
: - Litany of Mary of Nazareth
- Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes
4. Research and report on Mary as the first disciple. See, for example, "Mary, the First Disciple."
5. Create a booklet with pictures to illustrate any ten mysteries of the Rosary.
6. Research and report on five feast days of the Blessed Mother.
7. Read paragraphs 40–42, the Conclusion of Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love). Report on five interesting things he says about the Blessed Mother. Locate articles about the encyclical by conducting an Internet search of the English or Latin title.