Mindfulness Exercise – Temples of the Holy Spirit

Speak this exercise aloud.

Please sit in your seats with both of your feet on the ground and your hands in your lap. I invite
you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths with me. Inhale through your nose (wait 5
). Exhale through your mouth (wait 7 seconds).
Repeat as many times as you would like.

Now, focus on your feet. Tense the muscles in your toes and your feet as tight as you can (wait
5 seconds
) Now relax.
Let us pray. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
God, thank you for our feet, which allow us to walk and run. May our feet always follow you.
Teach us to walk by faith and to trust in wherever you may lead us.

Tense the muscles in your legs as tight as you can (wait 5 seconds). Now relax.
God, thank you for our legs, which allow us to stand. Teach us to always stand up for what is
right and to stand by You in the good times and in the bad.

Tense the muscles in your abdomen and your back as tight as you can (wait 5 seconds). Now
relax. God, thank you for our stomachs, which allow us to eat, and for our backs, which allow us to lie
down. Please teach us the importance of nourishing our bodies and help us to make time to rest
in our daily lives.

Tense the muscles in your arms and hands (wait 5 seconds). Now relax.
God, thank you for our arms and our hands, which allow us to embrace the poor and needy and
hold those who are hurting. Grant us the grace to always have open arms to our brothers and
sisters in Christ, remembering that your arms are always open to us and your hands – pierced
for our sake – are holding us tenderly.

Tense the muscles in your shoulders and neck (wait 5 seconds). Now relax.
God, thank you for our shoulders and necks, which carry the crosses that we have been
given. Help us to take up our crosses courageously, trusting that You are with us on our
journeys to heaven.

Tense the muscles in your face, such as your forehead, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth (wait 5
). Now relax.
God, thank you for our faces, which allow us to smile, laugh, cry, see, hear, and taste. May we
always reflect Your face through every action and encounter, remembering to always see
ourselves and others through a lens of love.

Lord, you have told us that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. May we always honor our
bodies and uphold the dignity of ourselves and our brothers and sisters, recognizing that we are
your sacred creation.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Megan Neuman is an Editorial Curriculum intern at Ave Maria Press. She is a senior English major at Franciscan University. 

1 Comment

Mike Amodei

December 16, 2024 at 9:04am

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