Our Lady

May is the month of Mary.

Pope John XXIII had a special devotion to Mary and referred to this tradition:

I find it impossible not to love the holy Mother of Jesus, whom I have regarded with affection since my childhood, to whom I prayed with the first words I ever uttered, and to whom I have trustfully turned for help in the most difficult moments of my life.

We all find in her a tender expression of confidence and gentleness; this is a great comfort to me, a great comfort at all times.
In this month of May, good Christians increase a hundredfold their tributes of profound veneration for Mary.

We must cherish in our hearts a fervor that will strengthen us and enable us to look to Jesus and to Our Lady with great confidence, so that we may not only await, but hasten the triumph of the Lord’s love and grace, by our enthusiasm and virtuous living, and through our own special ministry.

At the Council of Trent, the practice of a special or votive Mass to Mary on Saturdays was included in the Roman missal. Catholics are called to do something special to honor Mary, especially during the Saturdays of May. This may include attending a Saturday morning Mass, dong a special work of charity, or praying the rosary. Encourage these practices among your students.

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