Pray for Michael Pennock

Our dear friend and colleague Michael Pennock is gravely ill, suffering from stomach cancer. We ask that you and your students remember Mike in your prayers. In his 30 plus years of teaching high school theology, mostly at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Mike taught over 12,000 students. He continues to remember and cherish them all.

Prayer to Mary for the Sick

Mary, health of the sick,
Be at the bedside of all of the world's sick people, especially Michael Francis Pennock;
of those who are unconscious and dying;
of those who have begun their agony;
of those who have been abandoned
and hope for a cure;
of those who weep and cry out in pain;
of those who cannot receive care
because they have no money;
of those who ought to be resting
but are forced by poverty to work;
of those who seek vainly in their beds
for a less painful position;
of those who pass long night sleepless;
of those who are tormented 
by the cares of a family in distress;
of those who must renounce
their most cherished plans for the future;
of those, above all,
who do not believe in a better life;
of those who rebel and curse God;
of those who do not know that Christ
suffered like them and for them.

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