Prayer Meditation: God You Are Near

This exercise works well as a classroom prayer and meditation.

Share this story in your own words:

An older man came to the library every evening, sitting at the same table each time. At 9:50 the announcement came: “The library is closing in ten minutes.” Still the man wouldn’t leave. Every night the librarian would have to come to his table and tell him that it was time to leave.

One night, she could resist no longer. “Why do you come here each night? You never have a book. All you do is sit here.”

“Oh,” the man said. “Why I am waiting for my friend. My friend is the most beautiful person you could ever meet. So talented in many ways. I love my friend so much. If you give me just a few more minutes, my friend is bound to come.”

So the librarian gave the man some extra time. A few minutes later, as the library was being closed, she returned to the man and told him to leave.

“My friend is extremely busy,” the man said on his way out into the night. “But tomorrow my friend will certainly be here.”

Ask the students to share some thoughts on what the story means. They should recognize that the older man is meant to represent God. The man’s friend is meant to represent each of them.

Point out that God longs to spend time with each of us. How patiently God waits for us. God will never give up on us. God will always be waiting. It’s up to us to notice God’s presence.

Play a reflective song as an interlude, perhaps “Center of My Life” by Paul Inwood.

Have the students turn to Psalm 139 in their Bibles. Tell the students to spend a few minutes reflecting on the words of the psalm. Explain that Psalm 139 is a message that God is a loving, caring presence in their lives and has been intimately connected with their lives since they were first conceived.

Ask the students to complete the following sentences as a journal exercise:

  • The thought of a God who is very close to me . .
  • When God examines my heart, he finds that I am . . .

As appropriate, call on students to share their finished sentences either with a partner or with the entire class.

Conclude by praying the Our Father.

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