Prayers for the Future

As the school year comes to a close, here are some prayers to share with your students as they embark on the immediate future of summer while considering what life will bring them in the semesters ahead. Each of the prayers is taken from Day by Day The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students.


For Responsible Decisions

O God,

who has called me to place such complete trust in you

that nothing can tyrannize my life,

deliver me, I pray . . . .

     from becoming a slave to my books

     from daydreaming away my time

     from an over concern about sex

     from an over anxiety about my future

     from an uncritical view of myself

     from an overcritical view of myself

and from all the half-known deities

which try to dictate what I shall be.

Save me, that I may be free

to make responsible decisions

and serve you with wholeness


        --John W. Vannorsdall


For A Light in the Darkness

Father, grant that I may be

a bearer of Christ Jesus, your Son.

Allow me to warm the often cold, impersonal

scene of modern life with your burning love.

Strengthen me, by your Holy Spirit

to carry out my mission of changing the world

or some definite part of it, for the better.

Despite my lamentable failures, bring home to me

that my advantages are your blessings

to be shared with others.

Make me more energetic in setting to rights

what I find wrong with the world

instead of complaining about it or myself.

Nourish in me a practical desire

to build up rather than tear down

to reconcile more than polarize

to go out on a limb rather than crave security.

Never let me forget that it is far better

to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

And to join my light, one day, with yours.


      --Christopher Prayer Book


To Christ Our Only Teacher

Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me this far.

In your light I see the light of my life.

Your teaching is brief and to the point.

You persuade us to trust in our heavenly Father;

you command us to love one another.

What is easier than to believe in God?

What is sweeter than to love him?

Your yoke is pleasant, your burden light,

you, the only and only Teacher!

Your promise everything to those who obey your teaching,

you ask nothing too hard for a believer,

nothing a lover can refuse.

Your promises to your disciples are true,

entirely true, nothing but the truth.

Even more, you promise use yourself,

the perfection of all that can be made perfect.

Than you, Jesus, now and always.


     --Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)






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