A Book of Reflections for Teachers

A Book of Reflections for TeachersPrayer and reflection must be a cornerstone of success for any teacher. Teachers are extremely busy. With constant lesson planning, grading, extra-curricular activities, and the many jobs teachers take on, setting aside time for reflection can be hard for teachers to do. Five minutes of reflection can open the door for hours of spirit-filled activity throughout the day.

We are excited about a new book of reflections for teachers called 5 Minutes with Christ: Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers edited by Fr. Lou DelFra and Ann Primus Berends. The book is a collection of reflections on the Gospels by teachers, principals, and associates of the Alliance for Catholic Education program of the University of Notre Dame.

If you are looking for a short devotional book specifically written for use by teachers and educators, then you'll love 5 Minutes with Christ. Each entry has a quote from Scripture, a reflection about teaching, and a short prayer. It is an easy way to integrate prayer into the short amount of time before school or in between classes and will provide you with some thoughts to reflect on for the rest of the day.

Teacher Reflections in 5 Minutes with Christ

Can't see the video? Click here to view it on YouTube.

Sample Reflections for Teachers

Listed below are small snippets from the reflections and prayers in the book. If you are interested in samples of full reflections, you can download them here.

“Lord, help us to be humble students of Christ the Teacher, learning his ways and pointing others to the path of life.”
The Visitation, Meghann Robinson Kirzeder

“Lord, keep us open to your will for us. Grant us the strength to respond to your call with enthusiastic, generous hearts.”
Jesus in the Temple, Sarah Greene

“A teacher’s life is full of challenges, and we can be tempted to take the easy way out. Christ the Teacher shows us a different way.”
The Temptation of Jesus, Ricky Austin

“When our patience is tried by the more raucous members of our classrooms, it is helpful to remember that Christ the Teacher did not call already-perfect students, but those who would love him and persevere in his will.”
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles, Barbara Jane Sloan

“Yet, in Christ’s eyes there are no hopeless causes, no unteachable students, just lost children looking for a teacher who will have the patience and love to pick them up when they fall.”
The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Colleen Gannon

"Christ the Teacher is constantly reminding his disciples that there is no reason to fear because the Father is always welcoming us."
Jesus' Teaching on Prayer, Kate Linden

“Studies will watch how we respond to adversity in our own lives, how we carry our crosses. Do we do so with humble, trusting hearts?”
Gethsemane, Sarah Lamphier

“Thank you, Lord Jesus, that with you I am never alone. As you gave and forgave in your loneliest hour, help me to do the same today.”
The Crucifixion, Michael Suso

“Christ’s invitation to action, evangelization, and ministry—ultimately, an invitation to joy—removes the paralysis of fear. This invitation spreads joy to the Church, for God’s life indeed echoes among us today.”
Jesus Appears to the Women, Chuck Lamphier

Click for full copies of free sample reflections.


About the Alliance for Catholic Education

Alliance for Catholic Education The book was developed by the University of Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education, better known as ACE. In its nearly two decades of existence, the ACE program has developed leaders in Catholic education that are changing the face of schools across the country. All of the contributors to the book are in some way connected to the ACE program as teachers or members of the ACE Advocates. To find out more about the many programs offering service to Catholic schools, check out the Alliance for Catholic Education website.

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