St. Valentine's Day Bingo

With St. Valentine’s Day approaching, here’s a simple and fun icebreaker to get your students in the mood for a more serious presentation on the topic of love or St. Valentine himself.


Provide blank bingo cards with nine squares to each student. Write entries having to do with love on each square (see sample entries below). The center square can be a free blank square.


Sample Entries

  • Can name three famous questions in love.
  • The word that came to mind when you experienced your first crush.
  • Can recite a love poem or verse.
  • Can say “I love you” in a language besides English.
  • Will describe my perfect Valentine.
  • Can sing a lyric of a song having to do with love.
  • With a partner, can enact first meeting a date’s parents.
  • Knows where the nearest bridal shop is.
  • Can give the place where Jesus performed his first miracle.



Pass out the bingo cards and a pencil to each student. Tell them to move around the room and get signatures for each square. A person can only sign one square on each player’s card. Say: “When you have all the squares signed call bingo.”

Take the card of the person who called bingo. In order for him or her to be declared winner, all the people who signed the card have to verify the square they sign for. Check a few of the signatures before the whole class. For example, say: “Mark can you sing a couple of lyrics from your favorite son? Yvette, will you describe your perfect Valentine?”

If all the signers check out, you have a winner. If not, continue playing the same way as before.

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