Ave Maria Press is sponsoring its fifth annual Enrichment Day for High School Religion Teachers.
The event will be held on Saturday, October 10th, 8am –3pm, at the Mendoza College of Business on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.
This year our keynote speaker is Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher, Professor of Theological Studies (Old Testament) in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University Dr. Smith-Christopher is a well-known speaker at catechetical conferences throughout the nation, including, for many consecutive years, at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is the author of several books on Scripture, including the high school textbook: The Old Testament: Our Call to Faith and Justice.
The afternoon will feature mini-break out sessions. J.D. Childs, Principal of Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School in San Luis Obispo and co-author of The Catholic Spirit: An Anthology for Discovering Faith through Literature, Art, Film, and Music (published in July 2009) will speak about the value of using classical literature, film, art, and music as part of a high school theology curriculum.
Also to be explored: ways to incorporate electronic media in the theology classroom.
There is no charge for this event—it is FREE to high school religion teachers. A complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served. Each participant will receive several free gifts and a chance to win a complete set of high school textbooks for his or her classroom. Special hotel rates in the South Bend area will be arranged closer to the event. To make sure you are on a mailing list for registration, please send your contact information to Karey Welde.
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