Win Books and Notre Dame’s “The Shirt”!

Dream Big Dreams
The start of school is the time of big dreams for you and your students. Encourage their dreams. Lou Holtz, former football coach at the University of Notre Dame, writes about how students can make their big dreams come true through a series of smaller daily choices. He names this his WIN formula—“what’s important now.” The message is a practical one for students with all types of interest. Coach Holtz writes:

You want to graduate tops in your class, or be an All-American? Then ask yourself twenty-five times a day, “What’s important now?”

You wake up in the morning—“What’s important now?” Get out of bed.

You’re out of bed—“What’s important now?” Eat breakfast. You need your strength.

“What’s important now?” Go to class.

“What’s important now?” Sit in the front row. Be prepared.

It’s time to practice. “What’s important now? Use the weight room. It’s there to help you get stronger. You don’t use it because someone’s looking, but because you know you’ve got to get stronger.

When you’re out Saturday night and there’s opportunities for alcohol, or sex, or drugs? What’s important now? If your dream is to be outstanding in whatever field you’ve chosen, then “what’s important now” is to avoid these situations.
—from A Teen’s Game Plan for Life by Lou Holtz

Student Writing Contest
Have your students write a 300-word essay that answers the following questions:
What dreams do your students have?
What practical steps are they taking to achieve their dreams?
How can they apply the WIN formula to their own goals?

We will choose three winning essays and award the following prizes:
• 3rd Place: 1 copy of A Teen’s Game Plan for Life by Lou Holtz
• 2nd Place: 1 copy of A Teen’s Game Plan for Life and a 2008 Notre Dame “The Shirt”
• 1st Place: 30 copies of A Teen’s Game Plan for Life for the entire class and a 2008 Notre Dame “The Shirt”

Attach essays and send by e-mail to:
Michael Amodei
Deadline is Monday, October 6, 2008
Prizes will be announced at the Ave Maria Press Teacher Enrichment Day on Saturday, October 11.

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