You Are Invited to a Day of Enrichment!

For High School Theology Teachers at Notre Dame

“Educating Minds, Hearts, and Hands”

Saturday, Oct. 6th 8:30-4:00 pm

University of Notre Dame


Sr. Angela Hallahan, Director of Religious Certification for High School Teachers of Religion,
Archdiocese of Los Angeles

“Come, Holy Spirit, Inspire Me to Teach!”

A simple prayer, for sure. But understanding the power of the Spirit active in our lives allows us to awaken our God-given gifts for sharing the knowledge of our faith and witnessing God’s presence in our lives. Sr. Angela faces the challenges and rewards of ministering to hundreds of Catholic high school teachers over a vast landscape of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She knows each by their names and their gifts and never fails to invigorate them by reminding them of the Holy Spirit’s presence in their lives.

Refresh yourself in God's gift of the Holy Spirit and reflect with Sr. Angela on the many ways to share
the Spirit's energy with your students.

Breakout Sessions:

Joseph Paprocki, Associate Director of Catechetical Services, Loyola Press

“Is It True that Adam Lived to Be 930 Years Old? – The Catholic Approach to Scripture Interpretation”

Our high school students need to know that everything in the Bible is true, though not necessarily fact! This workshop will help religion teachers to equip their students with a truly Catholic approach to the inerrancy of the Bible. Special emphasis will be given to showing the connections between the Old and New Testaments

Mike Amodei, Executive Editor, Ave Maria Press

“If Not Now, When?: The Importance of Offering Teenagers Remote Preparation for Christian Vocations”

True, vocational commitments to marriage, priesthood, and religious life are made at later ages than ever before. But how else can young adult Catholics be expected to prepare for these vocations without some type of formal training? Mike Amodei will lead a discussion about why a Catholic high school religion course is the perfect time and place to broach the topic of permanent vocations.

Ken Ogorek, Director of Catechesis, Archdiocese of Indianapolis

We Piloted the National Framework: And Thrived!

The Diocese of Pittsburgh took the national framework for a test-drive starting in the Fall of 2005. Pittsburgh's catechetical director Ken Ogorek, now with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, shares the successes and challenges of this implementation process. Suggestions will be offered for phasing in the framework at individual schools or diocese-wide. The National Framework will arrive soon; this session will help you better understand how your school can embrace it.

Margaret Stuart, Religion Teacher, Seton-LaSalle High School, Diocese of Pittsburgh

“There’s More to It Than Raking Leaves!”

Have you noticed that it's no problem to get teenagers to serve at homeless shelter, collect clothing for a women's agency—or rake leaves for an older neighbor, but ask them to pray together, go on a weekend retreat, or make an effort to attend a weekday (or even Sunday) Mass, they may balk. There's plenty right with social justice and doing works of service as an element of Christian discipleship. This presentation explores how to incorporate prayer, personal reflection, retreats, and participation in the sacraments as equally important elements in growing in the Christian life.

We are asking that each attendee bring one lesson plan printed out and copied for everyone attending. It can be from any religion class and on any topic. We’ll compile packets for everyone and you’ll leave the conference with a wealth of great ideas that can be taken back and used in all of your religion classes.

For MORE INFORMATION and to REGISTER contact Karey Welde or Mike Amodei. We hope to see you at Notre Dame on Saturday, October 6!

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