Join Movement to Invite 5,000 People to Attend Easter Mass

Will you commit to making a difference in someone’s life this year by becoming an Easter Evangelist?

Jared Dees, author of the newly released To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach: The Essential Guide to Ministry in Today’s Catholic Church, recently launched a campaign to extend 5,000 personal invitations to attend Easter Masses on March 26 and 27. He needs your help to meet his goal.

Just invite someone who is a lukewarm or fallen-away Catholic to go to Easter Mass and share with them why Easter is important to you. It’s that simple.

Dees recommends asking God to lead you to the person who needs the invitation the most. It could be a friend, coworker, acquaintance—even a family member who hasn’t been to church in a while. They might say no, but they also might say yes. Remind them as Easter gets closer and offer to go with them if you sense some reluctance.

Let God and the Holy Spirit do the rest. You might be planting a seed that could be a turning point in their faith journey.

Join the movement and gather with other Catholics from throughout the world at, where you’ll also find some FAQs to help.

In addition, by joining the Easter Evangelist e-mail list, you’ll get scripts and prompts to help you extend your invitations. You’ll receive stories and advice to help you become better at evangelization. Most importantly, you’ll be a part of a community of fellow Christians committed to spreading the joy of the Gospel this Lent and Easter season.

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