Ave Authors Honored for Nine Books by Catholic Press Association

Ave Maria Press authors were recognized for nine books—including two with first-place honors—during the annual Catholic Press Association book awards.

Paula Huston’s One Ordinary Sunday was awarded top honors in “Popular Presentation of the Catholic Faith.” The book focuses on the mysteries of the Mass by way of the fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

“Whatever one’s own pilgrimage has been like, no one will come away from a reading of this gem without a firmer appreciation for the Mass as the bedrock of Catholic celebration,” the judges said.

The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, edited by Lisa M. Hendey and Sarah A. Reinhard, was given a first-place award in the “Collections of Prayers” category. The book by moms for moms  includes spiritual reflections on a variety of topics for every day of the year by more than eighty contributors.

“This book is a treasure for all seeking wisdom, hope, and interior peace,” the judges commented.

Hendey also earned a second-place award in “Children’s Books” for The Strangers at the Manger and she shared a second-place award with Barb Szyszkiewicz for Best Group or Association Blog for CatholicMom.com.

Other winners and their categories are:

You can find the complete list of winners on the Catholic Press Association website.

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