Wolfe Joins Ave Maria Press as Senior Editor, Trade Books

NOTRE DAME, Ind.—Jaymie Stuart Wolfe is joining the staff of Ave Maria Press as senior editor, trade books.

"I am delighted that Jaymie is joining our team,"said Tom Grady, publisher. "She has a broad and informed knowledge of the Church and an appreciation of the richness and diversity of the Catholic publishing landscape."

A Cleveland, Ohio, native, Wolfe worked for a number of years as a faith formation coordinator and music director at a parish in the Boston area. From 2010 to 2016, she was editor at Pauline Books and Media. For the past year she’s served as acquisitions editor at Our Sunday Visitor.

In addition to writing a regular column for The Boston Pilot for the past twenty years, Wolfe also is the author of several books for adults and children. Her first book, The Wonder Within, was published by Ave.

She will acquire trade titles for the Ave Maria Press, Sorin Books, and Christian Classics imprints in the areas of spirituality, history, biography, theology, and marriage and family life. Wolfe will begin her new position on January 3, 2018.

She and her husband, Andrew, are the parents of eight children. They live in the Boston area.

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