L.A. Congress Director Releases Book to Inspire, Renew

Notre Dame, IN—Each March, 40,000 people gather in the Anaheim Convention Center for the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the largest annual gathering of Catholics in America. Sr. Edith Prendergast, R.S.C., has been the beloved director of this gathering for nearly a quarter century and her opening session keynotes are eagerly anticipated by attendees.

Ave Maria Press is pleased to announce the release of Prendergast's first book—a compilation of her Congress keynotes titled Grace Abounds: A Call to Awaken and Renew Your Faith. Cardinal Roger Mahony praised the book saying, “It is a singular delight for me to know that these words of wisdom and discernment, first spoken in the faith-filled assembly of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, will now reach the eyes, ears, and hearts of so many more of God’s holy people who are longing for an encouraging word.”

In Grace Abounds, Prendergast issues a clarion call to both conversion and renewal, inviting readers to enter more deeply into the mind and heart of Christ and to live as his messengers in the Church and the world. In a world burdened by anxiety and fear, where human weakness and social sin tear at the fabric of every institution, Prendergast reminds her readers, “Filled to the brim with God’s love, we are called to let our lives overflow with love into one another. In a world haunted by terror, this call is more poignant an urgent than ever before.”

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