Four New Titles Foster Spiritual Growth During Lent

Ave Maria Press has four new titles to foster spiritual growth during this Lenten season.

Sacred Reading for Lent 2016, Stations of the Cross with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Bringing Lent Home with Pope Francis, and Daily Devotions for Lent 2016 are inexpensive, portable devotionals that offer Catholics an opportunity to strengthen their faith through short, daily prayers and meditations.

Sacred Reading for Lent 2016 by the Apostleship of Prayer—“the Pope’s prayer group”—uses a simple, six-step method first developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola that includes daily readings, reflections, and prayer starters with Lenten themes. This devotional provides an easy source for reflection and repentance for all Catholics during the penitential season.

Bringing Lent Home with Pope Francis by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is the fourth book in her Lenten devotional series, which is designed with families in mind. The book’s daily themes, projects, and reflections encourage communal growth for families through the lens of Pope Francis’s life and message. Other titles from O’Boyle’s Bringing Lent Home series are: Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II, Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa, and Bringing Lent Home with St. Thérèse of Lisieux.

Stations of the Cross with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus by the Apostleship of Prayer emphasizes the order’s renowned spirituality as it comes to life in mediations on the touchstone Catholic Lenten devotion, the Stations of the Cross. Recalling the dramatic events of Jesus’ passion and death helps readers enter more fully into the celebration of the Mass that makes these events present in a real way.

Daily Devotions for Lent 2016 is the newest addition to The Living Gospel series, an affordable seasonal guide for busy Catholics. This Lenten season, Charles Paolino, a well-known columnist, preacher, and associate editor at RENEW International, provides a simple five-step daily process for reflection during the solemn season of spiritual growth. Each day offers prayer and reflection focused on the gospel message.

Additional Lenten titles from Ave Maria Press:

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