Five Ave authors were honored for excellence in publishing by the Association of Catholic Publishers.
Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, took second place in the spirituality category for Love Him Ever More. Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt won third place in the same category for
Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s.
Christine Valters Paintner earned a third-place award in the inspirational category for her book Birthing the Holy.
Leonard J. DeLorenzo won third place in theology for Our Faithful Departed.
You can view all of the winners on the ACP website.
All four books also earned awards from the Catholic Media Association.
Ave Maria Press designers and authors earned thirteen awards from the Catholic Media Association on Friday, June 9, 2023, at the annual Catholic Media Conference in Baltimore.
Timothy P. O’Malley won first place in the future church category for his book Becoming Eucharistic People. Judges said, “Apropos to the concern the Church has with respect to an understanding of the Eucharist, O’Malley offers a deep appreciation of what the Eucharist means personally and communally and how it truly is the 'source and summit' for the Christian life in the world.”
Gregory Smith earned first runner-up for videographer/video producer of the year for his work on the seasonal multimedia projects Behold and Restore.
Restore also earned a third-place for best multimedia package—seasonal issue. Contributors included: Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, author; Valerie Delgado, illustrator; Gregory Smith, video production; Brianna Dombo, designer; Kate Coates, campaign graphics; Katie Prejean McGrady, Ave Explores: Lent; and Erin Pierce, parish resources and project manager.
Behold earned an honorable mention in the same category. Josiah Henley was the illustrator on the multimedia team.
Behold and Restore also earned honorable mentions in the healing and self-help category.
Other winners include:
Fr. Christopher S. Collins, SJ, Habits of Freedom, second place in the classical spirituality;
Vinita Hampton Wright, Set the World on Fire, honorable mention, classical spirituality;
Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, Love Him Ever More, honorable mention, classical spirituality;
Christine Valters Paintner, Birthing the Holy, third place, contemporary spirituality;
Kevin Schmiesing, A Catholic Pilgrimage Through American History, third place, pilgrimages/Catholic travel;
Leonard J. DeLorenzo, Our Faithful Departed, third place, grief and bereavement;
Brianna Dombo, designer, Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible, honorable mention for design and production; and
Shannon Wimp Schmidt and Marcia Lane-McGee, Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s, honorable mention, inclusion in the Church.
The complete list of winners is available on the Catholic Media Association website.