Ave Authors and Designers Win 10 CMA Awards!
Ave Maria Press authors and designers earned 10 awards from the Catholic Media Association on Friday, June 21, 2024, at the annual Catholic Media Conference in Atlanta. Meg Hunter-Kilmer won first place in the backlist beauty category for Pray for Us. Three second-place awards were given to: Jen Norton in the contemporary spirituality category for Arise to Blessedness Fr. Goyo Hidalgo in the memoir category for From Prodigal to Priest Erica Tighe Campbell in the category of lifestyle books for Living the Seasons Third place was awarded to The Grief of Dads for the front cover artwork, and Living the Seasons for design and production. Congratulations to designers Christopher D. Tobin and Brianna Dombo! Honorable Mention goes to Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran for Rebuilt Faith in the popular presentation of the Catholic faith category; John Bergsma for Love Basics for Catholics, popular scripture studies category; Emily Jaminet for Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart, family life category; and The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary, collections of prayers category. The complete list of winners is available on the Catholic Media Association website.