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Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, Heidi Hess Saxton
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Sacred Scripture (Teacher's Manual) [PDF License]
Daniel Smith-Christopher, Rev. J. Patrick Mullen
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La Reconstrucción de una Parroquia
Michael White, Tom Corcoran
Words of Faith: Spiritual Practices (Complete Set) [PDF License]
Andrew Gawrych, CSC
Sacred Scripture: A Catholic Study of God's Word (Teacher's Manual)
On First Principles
Jesus Christus
Romano Guardini
Principled Ministry
Carroll Juliano, S.H.C.J., Loughlan Sofield, S.T.
Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry (Teacher's Manual) [Second Edition]
Hilda Graef, Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.
Before "I Do"
Anthony Garascia
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Henri J. M. Nouwen
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Francis Selman
Francis MacNutt
I Am a Daughter of the Church
Pere Marie-Eugene, O.C.D.
Catholic Essentials (Teacher's Manual)
Michael Amodei
Moment by Moment
Carol Ann Smith, S.H.C.J., Eugene Merz, S.J.
The Holy Catholic Church: History and Mission of God’s People (Teacher's Manual)
Ave Maria Press
God Saves: We Are Redeemed through the Paschal Mystery (Teacher's Manual)
Radical Amazement
Judy Cannato
Your Christian Vocation (Teacher's Manual)[PDF License]
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