The Redeeming Power Small-Group Guide
In addition to Sunday Mass, many Catholics gather in small communities at some point during the week in order to both deepen their friendship with one another and grow in their practice of the faith. Redeeming Power: Exercising the Gift as God Intended is for Catholics who lead in almost any setting, including: professional positions, parish ministries, businesses, schools, neighborhood or larger community organizations, in public service, and even in families—our domestic churches. This guide for small-groups is designed to be used as group members make their way through the book itself.
The Redeeming Power Small-Group Guide includes suggested ground rules for group discussion followed by templates for fourteen hour-long meetings that align with the book’s introduction, twelve chapters, and the conclusion.
Explore the Waking Up Goliath podcast featuring insightful conversations with forty ministry leaders interviewed by Garrido during the writing of Redeeming Power. Delve into their experiences grappling with the healthy and holy use of power in their own leadership journeys.
Product Details
- Pages: 32
- Imprint: Ave Maria Press
In addition to Sunday Mass, many Catholics gather in small communities at some point during the week in order to both deepen their friendship with one another and grow in their practice of the faith. Redeeming Power: Exercising the Gift as God Intended is for Catholics who lead in almost any setting, including: professional positions, parish ministries, businesses, schools, neighborhood or larger community organizations, in public service, and even in families—our domestic churches. This guide for small-groups is designed to be used as group members make their way through the book itself.
The Redeeming Power Small-Group Guide includes suggested ground rules for group discussion followed by templates for fourteen hour-long meetings that align with the book’s introduction, twelve chapters, and the conclusion.
Explore the Waking Up Goliath podcast featuring insightful conversations with forty ministry leaders interviewed by Garrido during the writing of Redeeming Power. Delve into their experiences grappling with the healthy and holy use of power in their own leadership journeys.
Product Details
- Pages: 32
- Imprint: Ave Maria Press