Advent and Christmas

One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens

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Lent: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens is available for purchase for the upcoming Lent season.

Following the success of their bestselling devotional Lent: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, youth ministry experts Katie Prejean McGrady and Tommy McGrady offer devotions for Advent and Christmas that help teens make sense of the things that matter most in their lives such as relationships, their future, and coping with stress.

Realistic and easy to use, each daily devotion starts with a brief Bible quote that connects with a topic important to teens such as insecurity, pressure, trust, fitting in, finding hope, and choosing joy. A brief reflection helps teens consider the day’s topic through their faith.

The McGradys sometimes offer comfort, hope, or reasons for joy in these reflections, while on other days they issue a challenge or two. Unlike many other seasonal prayer books, each day offers exercises and activities such as naming areas of teen’s lives where they want to be more hopeful or to trust God more. The result is a closer relationship with God.

Each single-page, weekday devotion can be as brief as five minutes or as long as thirty if a teen chooses to do a bit extra with a feature called “Feel Ambitious?” This activity invites them to read, reflect, and respond to a longer scripture passage that connects to the day’s theme. Saturdays and Sundays offer additional challenges to reflect on the previous week and to look ahead to the next.

Product Details

  • Pages: 64
  • Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
  • ISBN: 9781646800018
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Free Companion Videos


Week 1: Woken Up By Hope!


Week 2: Having Faith in the Mighty One


Week 3: Taking Joy in the Good News


Week 4: Finding Peace in Salvation

PRINT COPIES SOLD OUT! - Single eBook copies are available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Google Play.

Lent: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens is available for purchase for the upcoming Lent season.

Following the success of their bestselling devotional Lent: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, youth ministry experts Katie Prejean McGrady and Tommy McGrady offer devotions for Advent and Christmas that help teens make sense of the things that matter most in their lives such as relationships, their future, and coping with stress.

Realistic and easy to use, each daily devotion starts with a brief Bible quote that connects with a topic important to teens such as insecurity, pressure, trust, fitting in, finding hope, and choosing joy. A brief reflection helps teens consider the day’s topic through their faith.

The McGradys sometimes offer comfort, hope, or reasons for joy in these reflections, while on other days they issue a challenge or two. Unlike many other seasonal prayer books, each day offers exercises and activities such as naming areas of teen’s lives where they want to be more hopeful or to trust God more. The result is a closer relationship with God.

Each single-page, weekday devotion can be as brief as five minutes or as long as thirty if a teen chooses to do a bit extra with a feature called “Feel Ambitious?” This activity invites them to read, reflect, and respond to a longer scripture passage that connects to the day’s theme. Saturdays and Sundays offer additional challenges to reflect on the previous week and to look ahead to the next.

  • Pages: 64
  • Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
  • ISBN: 9781646800018
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Week 1: Woken Up By Hope!


Week 2: Having Faith in the Mighty One


Week 3: Taking Joy in the Good News


Week 4: Finding Peace in Salvation

Daily Activities Include


Christmas: The Word Became Flesh


New Year's: Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Wrap Up: Go Forth!

Self-Reflection for December

It can be complicated being a Christian teen. Not only do they have the newfound stresses of growing up, they are also starting to make their faith their own as they try to understand how God is involved in their lives. Knowing how to ready themselves for the Christmas season, a time of rest and celebration, is vital for their relationships with Jesus and with those around them. In Advent and Christmas: One Day at a Time for Catholic Teens, Katie Prejean McGrady and Tommy McGrady offer an answer to the question of what we should be doing more of to spiritually prepare for Advent and Christmas. With daily prayer, Bible reflections, and simple action steps, this little booklet will help your teen or teens in your parish navigate what really matters in their lives.

How to Use this Booklet

Advent and Christmas is a daily tool your teen can use to reflect and change the way they approach Advent and the Christmas season. Every day of the four weeks that this booklet encompasses starts with a Bible quote and ends with tasks, questions, and a prayer to bolster their spiritual quest. With a Bible and journal at their side, your teen can fully utilize the weekly challenges and reflections that it asks them to participate in.

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