The Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Study Guide

A Companion to Pope Francis's First Encyclical

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Perfect for personal study and for all types of faith formation groups, The Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Study Guide is the first available resource of its kind. All Catholics will benefit from its rich commentary, reflection questions, and ideas for living more fully by the “light of faith.”

This study guide is the essential companion to Lumen Fidei, Pope Francis’s first encyclical, which was published in July of 2013. Jared Dees—author and seasoned religion teacher—leverages his expertise in education and theology to welcome Catholics into encyclicals in general and this one in particular—which Pope Francis called the “work of four hands” since it completes work started by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Dees presents summaries of each section of the encyclical, in-depth commentary, reflection questions, a glossary of key terms, and suggestions for integrating the encyclical into personal or community spiritual life. Additionally, there are appendices that address Lumen Fidei for pastors, leaders of adult faith formation and RCIA, catechists, teachers, and families.

For group use: Purchase a PDF license to download and print multiple copies for use in group settings (unlimited copies and no expiration date).

For individual use: Those seeking personal enrichment may purchase the eBook version from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo.

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Ave Maria Press Digital Products Terms of Use apply to all purchases of digital licenses.

Product Details

  • Pages: 66
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Purchase this PDF license to download and print multiple copies of The Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Study Guide or get your personal eBook version on your Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, or Kobo devices and apps.

Perfect for personal study and for all types of faith formation groups, The Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Study Guide is the first available resource of its kind. All Catholics will benefit from its rich commentary, reflection questions, and ideas for living more fully by the “light of faith.”

This study guide is the essential companion to Lumen Fidei, Pope Francis’s first encyclical, which was published in July of 2013. Jared Dees—author and seasoned religion teacher—leverages his expertise in education and theology to welcome Catholics into encyclicals in general and this one in particular—which Pope Francis called the “work of four hands” since it completes work started by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Dees presents summaries of each section of the encyclical, in-depth commentary, reflection questions, a glossary of key terms, and suggestions for integrating the encyclical into personal or community spiritual life. Additionally, there are appendices that address Lumen Fidei for pastors, leaders of adult faith formation and RCIA, catechists, teachers, and families.

For group use: Purchase a PDF license to download and print multiple copies for use in group settings (unlimited copies and no expiration date).

For individual use: Those seeking personal enrichment may purchase the eBook version from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo.

International customers must call 1-800-282-1865 to place an order for digital products.  

Ave Maria Press Digital Products Terms of Use apply to all purchases of digital licenses.

  • Pages: 66
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

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