Chart of Historic Milestones

A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching Resource

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Many of the concerns addressed in Catholic social teaching stem from the seismic cultural shifts in the Western World brought on by the Industrial Revolution. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, Catholic Church leaders have continuously responded to the pressing social needs of various peoples, institutions, nations, and of the earth itself. This chart correlates the social teaching documents of the Church to world and U.S. events of great historical significance. Using this chart will help readers of A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching better comprehend the cultural and social conditions in which these teachings were pronounced.

Product Details

  • Pages: 3
  • Trim size: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Many of the concerns addressed in Catholic social teaching stem from the seismic cultural shifts in the Western World brought on by the Industrial Revolution. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, Catholic Church leaders have continuously responded to the pressing social needs of various peoples, institutions, nations, and of the earth itself. This chart correlates the social teaching documents of the Church to world and U.S. events of great historical significance. Using this chart will help readers of A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching better comprehend the cultural and social conditions in which these teachings were pronounced.

  • Pages: 3
  • Trim size: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

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