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141 Products
Sale! 9781646800438.jpg

Rejoice in the Lord

Augustine of Hippo

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Sale! 9781646801817.jpg

Remembering Why We Preach

Karla J. Bellinger, Michael E. Connors, CSC

Sale! 9781594717918.jpg

Rethink Happiness

Paul George

Sale! 9781594716492b.jpg

Room 24

Katie Prejean McGrady

Sale! 9781646800452.jpg

Running for a Higher Purpose

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki

Sale! 1-59471-068-6.jpg

Sabbath Presence

Kathleen Casey

Sale! 9781932057225.jpg

Sacred Time

Christine Valters Paintner

Sale! 9781594719912.jpg
Sale! 087793987X.jpg

Sex, Love, and You

Judy Lickona, Tom Lickona, William Boudreau, M.D.

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Simplifying the Soul

Paula Huston

Sale! 9781736514801.jpg

Sorin Starts a School

Paul Mitchell

Sale! 9781594713415.jpg

Still Point

Regis Martin

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Streams of Contentment

Robert J. Wicks

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Streams of Contentment

Robert J. Wicks

Sale! 9781646800742.jpg


Eve Tushnet

Sale! 9781594718793.jpg
Sale! 9781594715891.jpg

The Archaeology of Faith

Louis J. Cameli

Sale! 9781594713613-lowres.jpg

The Charism of Priestly Celibacy

Institute for Church Life

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The Church Our Story (Student Text)

Patricia Morrison Driedger

Sale! 9781646801138.jpg
Sale! 9781594717390.jpg
Sale! 9781594718359.jpg

The Crisis of Bad Preaching

Joshua J. Whitfield

Sale! 9781594716539.jpg