Let Go of Anger and Stress!

Be Transformed by the Fruits of the Spirit


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How do you let the Spirit work in you to bear good fruit when you’re dealing with the never-ending drama of social media, a frustrating coworker, or the aggravating next-door neighbor? How do you stop letting stress and anger take control of your life?

Using the nine fruits of the Spirit as a guide, bestselling author Gary Zimak will help you free yourself from anger and stress to find peace and to live the life God has planned for you.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” Galatians 5:22–23.

In Let Go of Anger and Stress!, Catholic author and self-proclaimed expert worrier Gary Zimak reminds us that the Holy Spirit is gifted to us by God in Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation. Because of that precious gift, we have everything we need to produce Christ-like fruit in our lives. And it’s by those fruits that we will be judged at the end of our lives. “No good fruit = no heaven,” Zimak writes.

Zimak shares his own story of overcoming destructive habits that caused anger, drama, and stress by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in his life. Throughout this practical and engaging book, you will discover

  • step-by-step guidance for growing each of the nine fruits of the Spirit in your own life;
  • “Remember,” “Reflect,” and “Respond” prompts that will help you to develop new habits and attitudes; and
  • prayers to help you take your next steps under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Product Details

  • Pages: 160
  • Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
  • ISBN: 9781594719837
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press


How do you let the Spirit work in you to bear good fruit when you’re dealing with the never-ending drama of social media, a frustrating coworker, or the aggravating next-door neighbor? How do you stop letting stress and anger take control of your life?

Using the nine fruits of the Spirit as a guide, bestselling author Gary Zimak will help you free yourself from anger and stress to find peace and to live the life God has planned for you.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” Galatians 5:22–23.

In Let Go of Anger and Stress!, Catholic author and self-proclaimed expert worrier Gary Zimak reminds us that the Holy Spirit is gifted to us by God in Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation. Because of that precious gift, we have everything we need to produce Christ-like fruit in our lives. And it’s by those fruits that we will be judged at the end of our lives. “No good fruit = no heaven,” Zimak writes.

Zimak shares his own story of overcoming destructive habits that caused anger, drama, and stress by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in his life. Throughout this practical and engaging book, you will discover

  • step-by-step guidance for growing each of the nine fruits of the Spirit in your own life;
  • “Remember,” “Reflect,” and “Respond” prompts that will help you to develop new habits and attitudes; and
  • prayers to help you take your next steps under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • Pages: 160
  • Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
  • ISBN: 9781594719837
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Be Transformed by the Fruits of the Spirit

Do you struggle with harmful habits and attitudes that prevent you from experiencing a full and joyful life? If so, you’re not alone.

In Let Go of Anger and Stress!, bestselling author Gary Zimak encourages you to give the Holy Spirit a chance to transform yourself by cultivating nine healing fruits of the Spirit identified in Galatians 5:22–23. Join Zimak on this journey as he reveals how cooperating with the Holy Spirit to cultivate seeds of virtue can bring victory over sinful habits—and result in a bumper crop of faith, joy, and personal holiness.

You'll Discover:

  • step-by-step guidance for growing each of the nine fruits of the Spirit in your own life;
  • “Remember,” “Reflect,” and “Respond” prompts that will help you to develop new habits and attitudes;
  • and prayers to help you take your next steps under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Secret Weapons of Faith

This book will walk you through some stress-producing situations and show you how the fruits of the spirit help you respond to these situations in a Christ-like manner.

Do any of these vices give you trouble: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, or carousing?

Now, think about the fruits of the Spirit listed in the graphic above. Are there fruits of the Spirit that you find attractive, that you need to cultivate in your life? Then you’ve picked the right book!

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