Alter Christus

Meditations for Priests on the Words of St. Paul


Format: Paperback
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With its unique challenges and joys, there is nothing in the world quite like the priesthood. Drawing on the words of St. Paul and a lifetime of pastoral experience, in Alter Christus, author John J. Gilchrist provides spiritual sustenance for priests of all ages and ministries as they live out their special calling. These personal and prayerful meditations touch on subjects that are at the heart of the daily life of a priest. Among the chapters in Alter Chistus are: "A Call, Not a Profession," "The Priest as Total Giver," "Trying to Keep Our Focus," "Fidelity: On the Job Day by Day," and "The Priestly Heart." The reflections treat the many practical questions priests face, such as preaching, justice, collaborating with the laity, celibacy, and friendship. Each meditation begins with the words of St. Paul; words that encourage, challenge, and affirm priests to live their vocation each day. Msgr. Gilchrist then offers a brief commentary on the text, sharing the wisdom he has gained in his ministry and exploring how to live the challenging call of the priesthood in today's Church. Following each reflection there are a number of brief quotes from commentators on the priesthood, ranging from the Fathers of the Church to Pope John Paul II. Thoughtful and prayerful, rooted in real life, Alter Christus is an ideal prayer companion for today's dedicated priests.

Product Details

  • Pages: 288
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN: 9781594710315
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

With its unique challenges and joys, there is nothing in the world quite like the priesthood. Drawing on the words of St. Paul and a lifetime of pastoral experience, in Alter Christus, author John J. Gilchrist provides spiritual sustenance for priests of all ages and ministries as they live out their special calling. These personal and prayerful meditations touch on subjects that are at the heart of the daily life of a priest. Among the chapters in Alter Chistus are: "A Call, Not a Profession," "The Priest as Total Giver," "Trying to Keep Our Focus," "Fidelity: On the Job Day by Day," and "The Priestly Heart." The reflections treat the many practical questions priests face, such as preaching, justice, collaborating with the laity, celibacy, and friendship. Each meditation begins with the words of St. Paul; words that encourage, challenge, and affirm priests to live their vocation each day. Msgr. Gilchrist then offers a brief commentary on the text, sharing the wisdom he has gained in his ministry and exploring how to live the challenging call of the priesthood in today's Church. Following each reflection there are a number of brief quotes from commentators on the priesthood, ranging from the Fathers of the Church to Pope John Paul II. Thoughtful and prayerful, rooted in real life, Alter Christus is an ideal prayer companion for today's dedicated priests.

  • Pages: 288
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN: 9781594710315
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

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