Listed below are some sentence starters (from Time Out: Resources for Teen Retreats by Kieran Sawyer, SSND) for the start of a school year. Divide the class into groups of four or five. Write the sentence starters on the board. Hold in your hand a set of playing cards, numbered 1 to 8. Call on a random student to pick a card. The number corresponds to the sentence on the board. Allow time for everyone in the group to share a response. For the first sentence you might want to designate outgoing students in each group to begin the discussion. Repeat the process with the playing cards until all the sentences have been discussed.
Sentence Starters
1. I want my new friends at school to see me as a person who . . .
2. Academically, this year I hope to . . .
3. This year I hope to know God better by . . .
4. This year I am looking forward to . . .
5. A person I would like to know better this year is . . .
6. Athletically, this year I hope to . . .
7. Ten years from now I hope to . . .
8. After I die, I hope to be remembered for . . .
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