Helping students engage and remember Church history can be very overwhelming and is often abstract.
The following cards offer a quick template that can assist students to quickly label, compare, and contrast specific factors of heresies, schisms, and various creeds that differ from the tenets of Roman Catholicism. This type of assignment can also be beneficial for developing research skills, through digital literacy, and negotiating web resources to find the correct information. For easy and creative access: use a hole punch and keep the grid cards on a ring for quick comparison.
Some of the groupings that I have used for this activity have included: Gnosticism, Arianism, Apollinarism, Nestorianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Mormonism, Anabaptist, Mennonite, Seventh Day Adventist, Islam, Iconoclasm, Methodist, Anglicanism, the Hussites, Presbyterianism, Baptist, and Scientology. Scour a Church history text for items that can serve to head up other groupings.
Group: ________________
Time period: __________________
Name of the founder of the movement:
Country of origin:
Main Tenets
1 –
2 –
3 -
Grouping: _______________
Time period: __________________
Name of the founder of the movement:
Country of origin:
Main Tenets
1 –
2 –
3 - |
Written by:
Thomas Malewitz, M.T.S., Ph.D.
St. Xavier High School (Louisville, KY)