Ave Maria Press Releases First Framework-Approved Textbook in Apple iBookstore

Ave Maria Press is once again leading the way in Catholic high school religion textbooks! We are pleased to announce that Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World is now available to purchase on the iPad in the iBooks app, becoming the first USCCB Framework-approved textbook available on this platform. This textbook is the most interactive Catholic religion textbook on the market, complete with fun and informative widgets, hyperlinks, and all of the iBook reader features.

Our goal is to make the first-semester freshman and sophomore titles available this fall. Framework Course I (Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World) will be quickly followed by Course III (Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation). Second-semester freshman and sophomore textbooks, Course II (Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry) and Course IV (The Church: Our Story), will be available in January 2013. The final two core framework textbooks, Course V (Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments) and Course VI (Your Life in Christ), are scheduled for release in August 2013.

Download a free sample of Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World in the iBooks app. The complete textbook can be purchased and downloaded here for $10.99 in the Apple iBookstore. To find the book in the iBookstore, search for "Ave Maria Press."

Take a quick look at some screenshots the the textbook on the Apple iPad:

Apple Textbook Chapter Cover Apple Textbook Page Apple Textbooks Feature

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