Joseph T. Stuart
Joseph T. Stuart is an assistant professor of history and a fellow of Catholic studies at the University of Mary. He is the author of Rethinking the Enlightenment: Faith in the Age of Reason and Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War.
He earned an associate’s degree from Ferris State University, a bachelor’s degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville, a master’s degree in modern history from the University of St. Andrews, and a doctorate in modern intellectual history from the University of Edinburgh. Stuart is a land surveyor and an onion farmer, and he coproduced an original play called North Dakota Voices of the Great War.
He has been a guest on a variety of Catholic podcasts and radio stations, including Sacred Heart Radio, Ave Maria Radio, Real Presence Radio, and Guadalupe Radio Network. His work has been featured in Zenit and MercatorNet. He has written for Prime Matters, The Imaginative Conservative, 360 Review, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, and St. Austin Review.
Stuart lives in Bismarck, North Dakota, with his wife, Barbara, and their three children.