Margaret Rose Realy is a Benedictine oblate who made her final oblate profession on March 15, 2014, at St. Benedict Monastery in Oxford, Michigan. She has a master’s degree in communications from Michigan State University, is a regular contributor to, and writes about spirituality and gardening for The Catholic Channel at Patheos. She is also the author of A Garden of Visible Prayer: Creating a Personal Sacred Space One Step at a Time and Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent. Margaret has been featured in Catholic Digest; The Catholic Times; Jackson Citizen Patriot; Lansing State Journal; The Daily Reporter; Your Home, Your Lifestyle; and on the Among Women podcast.

Realy is the owner of Morning Rose Prayer Gardens, a liturgical garden consulting and educational business. She is a certified greenhouse grower, an advanced master gardener, and the coordinator emeritus of the St. Francis Retreat Center Garden Society in DeWitt, Michigan. She has worked as a greenhouse grower and garden consultant, taught workshops at Michigan State University, and is accredited to teach MSU Master Gardener continuing education.

Books by Margaret Rose Realy