Michele Faehnle is a school nurse at St. Andrew School in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and the host of Answering the Call on St. Gabriel Radio. She is a contributor to CatholicMom.com, codirector of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference, and coauthor of Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project, and Our Friend Faustina.
Faehnle earned a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1999. Faehnle has spoken at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy and to several women’s groups and conferences, including 1:38 Women, Mothering with Grace Annual Mother’s Conference, Indiana Catholic Women’s Conference, and the online Catholic Conference for Moms. Faehnle has appeared on EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy and a number of Catholic radio programs.
Along with her coauthor, Emily Jaminet, Faehnle received the Bishop John King Mussio Award from Franciscan University of Steubenvile, of which she is an alumna. She and her husband, Matthew, have four children and live in Columbus, Ohio.