Pere Marie-Eugene, O.C.D.
Pere Marie-Eugene, O.C.D. (1894–1967), born Henri Grialou in France, entered the seminary after World War I. He was ordained to the priesthood on February 4, 1922. The discovery of St. John of the Cross had revealed to him a compelling vocation for Carmel. He entered the Order on February 24, just after his ordination, taking the name of Brother Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus.
Spurred on by the prophetic grace of his order in its twofold movement of contemplation and action, he performed great service for Carmel and the Church. In the order he assumed the offices of definitor general (1937–1954), vicar general (1954-1955), and provincial. For the Carmelite nuns, Pope Pius XII appointed him apostolic visitor in 1948 to organize the Federations of Carmelite Nuns in France. In 1932 he founded the Secular Institute of Notre-Dame de Vie whose members, lay people and priests, dispersed on four continents, strive to witness to the living God and reveal him to everyone. The Church has opened his cause for canonization.